In Case You Wondered

In Case You Wondered Why We Test for Glyphosate at Functional Formularies: Why all enteral formulas should be required to test

For almost two years now, Functional Formularies’ products Liquid Hope and Nourish have been tested for glyphosate contamination.  While we are pleased that our products have tested free of this insidious chemical, we are also disappointed that no other enteral formula company has shown interest in testing and that there is not a greater effort to reduce exposure to consumers.  We have argued since the beginning of our small company that the critically ill deserve the same right to clean, healthy food as the rest of the population.  For those challenged with health conditions, glyphosate exposure is unacceptable to us. Continue reading

Liquid Hope Comparison

Why Functional Formularies (Liquid Hope and Nourish) Are Not The Same As Other Blenderized Enteral Formulas

It has been brought to our attention that some RDs (Registered Dietitians) and other health professionals consider Liquid Hope and Nourish to be very similar to Real Food Blends or Kate Farms products.  They are telling patients that there is no difference between Functional Formularies products and the other products that fall into this “blenderized” bucket. When this information is passed on to you whether by an RD, Durable Medical Equipment Company or a salesperson, hopefully the following information will help you understand the differences as they are very different. We hope to make this fact clear, it is like comparing apples to oranges, or in this case garbanzo beans to orange juice. Continue reading

Dirty Dozen

Be Wary of Enteral Formulas Built Around Dirty Dozen Ingredients

Organizations such as The Environmental Work Group,, that are essentially our only sentinels with respect to chemicals in our produce and other foods, have made it very clear.  There are certain foods that carry inordinately high pesticide and herbicide levels and they should only be consumed if organically grown.  These are labeled as Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables.  The list is updated each year but the core members generally stay the same. Continue reading

Canola or Rapeseed Oil

Canola or Rapeseed Oil: A wolf in sheep’s clothing

If canola oil is so safe, why do food scientists spend so much time trying to make it more stable?

Much of the world’s perception around fats and oils is based upon how the particular oil influences a population’s cholesterol level. While that model in itself is highly flawed, there are, of course, even more important parameters when it comes to choosing daily cooking oils or ingredients in recipes.  Canola, formerly rapeseed, oil is cheap, industrially-produced oil that is very high in its polyunsaturated fat content.  This characteristic makes it less stable –  not solely in cooking or food processing applications, but more importantly, in the human body, where it is incorporated into our mitochondrial and cell membranes. Continue reading