
Turmeric and Compatibility with Chemotherapy

Turmeric is increasingly being shown to have favorable influences on various cancer treatments, primarily through its ability to increase rates of apoptosis and with its unique effects on AMPK levels.  Numerous investigations within the field of oncology have demonstrated improved chemosensitivity and reduced chemoresistance in tumors with co-treatments of turmeric and chemoagents such as DFMO, a polyamine regulating drug, cisplatin, and others that target DNA damage.  These favorable interactions increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy interventions with lymphoma, colorectal, glioblastoma, and breast cancers, among others (1,2,3). Continue reading


More Great News About Chickpeas

Chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) are a major ingredient in Liquid Hope and Nourish. Research shows that chickpeas provide a wide variety of nutrients and regular consumption may be a good predictor of a person’s nutritional status(1). Additionally, other investigations have shown that chickpea consumption may offer several benefits with respect to a person’s overall health and well-being(1,2,3). Now, new research is illustrating how these protective mechanisms and others develop through eating chickpeas. It’s all about a unique type of pre-biotic that chickpeas are a top source of: α-galactooligosaccharide or GOS. Research shows that GOS appears to feed some of the most important microbes that naturally produce anti-inflammatory substances. In one study, when obese mice were fed chickpeas, their pattern of metabolic syndrome improved significantly(4). These results mirrored those that were observed in humans from a previous trial. Adults with obesity and similar patterns of insulin resistance were equally responsive to the GOS content of their diet, provided by chickpeas(5). Continue reading

Good vs Bad

Low Quality Food with Low Nutrient Density Linked to Cancer

For the first time, a low quality diet, as defined by the concentration of micronutrients per calorie, was strongly associated with and offered great predictive value for an individual’s risk of developing cancer.  While there are many forms of cancer and not all have the same strength of association with diet quality, many of the most common types were closely tied to the presence of low quality food choices.  Although some readers may have already assumed these findings to be true, it is a major breakthrough that should strengthen public health efforts to eliminate processed food from the daily diet.  There is still a pervasive opinion by many health experts that diet is not linked to cancer and that cancer is too complex to be tied to an individual’s food choices.  This study suggests otherwise.

Over 471,000 European adults participated in this research as part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) Study.  Those Europeans, primarily from England, France, and Belgium, with lower nutrient density diets had the highest risk of cancers, most notably of the digestive tract and liver.  The team of investigators feel that this diet is a leading risk factor for two reasons: the increased burden of metabolizing refined carbohydrates and sugar-based foods and the absence of essential micronutrients that play pivotal roles in the body’s defense systems against cancer.

Increased vegetable consumption is the single most effective way to increase the nutrient density of the diet.  Dark green, leafy vegetables lead the way with very high levels of minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients per calorie of energy.  This class of vegetables may be the most protective group of foods available.  Sweetened foods and those foods made with flour and/or low quality seed oils, most often high in omega 6 fatty acids, typically represent the lowest nutrient dense foods.  These low quality foods often displace those that provide us the greatest levels of nourishment.

~ John Bagnulo MPH, PhD.


Deschasaux M et al. Nutritional quality of food as represented by the FSAm-NPS nutrient profiling system underlying the Nutri-Score label and cancer risk in Europe: Results from the EPIC prospective cohort studyPLOS Medicine, 2018; 15 (9): e1002651.


Fructose, Fruit juice, and the Microbiome

The microbiome continues to dominate the research front.  That 5 pounds of microbial life that inhabits our digestive tract is far more responsible for our health, most people would ever guess.  It’s composition and how various populations of microbes relate to one’s risk of particular conditions is being intensely studied.  While some of the research surrounding specific microbiome profiles (diversity, presence of larger families of bacteria, or the numbers of potentially pathogenic strains for instance) is preliminary and limited to associations, many microbiologists and microbial experts believe that there is a great deal we can now say with confidence. Continue reading

Dietary Fiber

Dietary Fiber Reduces Brain Inflammation Associated with Aging

Most of people regard fiber as something that helps keep them “regular”.  Others who may be more interested in their health understand how a diet rich in fiber can foster populations of beneficial gut flora and greater diversity overall within the microbiome.  The latest investigation however is sure to pave the way for a better understanding of the mechanisms linking higher levels of soluble fiber with improved brain health (1). Continue reading

Brittany's story

Brittany’s story, Thriving on HOPE

Brittany's story

Long story short I got sick in 2010 at 17 years old. They didn’t know why and it took until last year and multiple hospitals including Mayo Clinic, UCLA, and Stanford to officially make a diagnosis. I went from being a successful  athletic teenager to a bed ridden and malnourished young adult, with no family history or accidents or pretty much anything to explain it. I found out my gut was completely paralyzed and that I have mast cell activation disorder. So my body is constantly fighting itself and sprung on allergies I’ve never had before. Even now the allergies change all of the time. Continue reading