Are there any side effects to increased consumption of MCT oil?

On occasion, increased consumption of MCT oil may cause a change in bowel movements. This is not common and typically occurs only in the first day or two of increased consumption. In the event that this does occur, simply consume Keto Sustain at a slower rate until digestion and elimination returns to normal.

Are there any variations in consistency with real food product?

Our Keto Sustain formula undergoes regular nutritional assessment and lab testing. However, as with all real food products, the nutrient levels may vary a bit due to growing season, soil, and weather conditions.

NOTE*: Functional Formularies Keto Sustain is not intended as a sole-source of nutrition. If you are following a ketogenic diet or have specific dietary restrictions that require you to be exact with certain nutrient levels, please discuss the use of this product with a health care provider.

What if my shipment/package is damaged?

If you receive ANY units of Keto Sustain that appear to be bloated, damaged, or leaking to any degree, please contact us immediately at 937-433-4673 / Toll FREE: 1.844.631.8365 and/or send an email to office@functionalformularies.comDo not open, consume, or wash any product that appears to be damaged. Though rare, damage may happen during shipping. Under those circumstances, and with sufficient proof of damage, your product will be replaced by either your Durable Medical Equipment Company or Functional Formularies.