Who can benefit from our peptide formulas?

Our peptide formulas contain organic hydrolyzed pea protein and organic MCT oil. The protein and fat in our original formulas can be thought of as long pearl necklaces that need to be broken down by the body into individual pearls in order to be absorbed and utilized easily. Our peptide formulas contain short chains of pearls rather than longer chains so that the body does not have to work as hard to absorb and utilize the nutrients.

These formulas are most appropriate for those that may have issues that result in malabsorption problems or difficulty utilizing a standard formula. It is a specialized formula and is usually approved only for certain conditions if insurance coverage is needed. It is best to check with your healthcare provider to determine if you have a condition that would benefit from a peptide based formula.

It says Keto Peptide is not a sole source of nutrition, what does this mean?

Keto Peptide is enriched with some vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) but not enough to fully meet a person’s full daily requirement.  When Keto Peptide is being used without any other foods/formulas, it needs to be combined with a comprehensive supplement plan to assure all nutrients are being provided. Check with your healthcare team about what supplements they would recommend to combine with Keto Peptide to meet your unique needs based on your age, gender and medical information. 


What medical conditions/diagnosis would Keto Peptide be appropriate for?

Keto Peptide can be used for any medical condition where a medically prescribed ketogenic diet has been recommended by a qualified healthcare professional. Some healthcare providers may prescribe a ketogenic diet for medical conditions such as epilepsy, GLUT 1 Deficiency Syndrome, Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency (PDCD), cancer, ALS and other neurological conditions. Always check with your healthcare team if a ketogenic diet is right for your unique needs. Never attempt a ketogenic diet without appropriate medical supervision.

What is the ketogenic diet ratio for Keto Peptide?

Keto Peptide is a 2.43:1 ketogenic diet ratio meaning that for every 2.43 grams of fat there is 1 gram of protein and net carbohydrate combined.  

Keto Peptide can be altered to fit other ketogenic diet ratios by adding other whole food ingredients.  For example, you can add avocado and/or other oils to increase the ketogenic ratio and you can add additional fruits or vegetables to lower the ratio. 

We always recommend checking with your healthcare team about the ideal ketogenic diet ratio for your unique needs.