What nutritional conditions/diagnosis can Liquid Hope and Nourish be of benefit for the patient?

Clinicians should use their judgment, but the gastrointestinal tract is highly adaptive as can be seen with patients who wean off parenteral nutrition within the first 1-2 years. Much like transitioning patients off parenteral nutrition to enteral nutrition or changing patient from one enteral formula to another, follow a step wise approach: add Liquid Hope and Nourish slowly to allow for the gut and GI tract to adapt.

How best to transition patients on whole food blended formulas?

Switching from a non-whole food blend to Liquid Hope and Nourish should be done step wise. Start with replacing half to one pouch of Liquid Hope or Nourish with half or one can/carton of non-whole food blend formula daily. Use clinical judgement to titrate. For recommendations, please check with your medical team.

Can formulas be used with malabsorptive disorders/diagnoses?

Yes. The gut is adaptive to real food and formula can be used for numerous diagnoses. Start slow and titrate, but the gut will likely adapt similar to any standard or specialty formula.

Transition from your current formula to Functional Formularies products in a step wise method. Substitute half to one pouch for half to one can/carton of your current formula as appropriate. Clinicians must use their clinical judgement, but research has indicated that “specialty/elemental” formulations are often tolerated/digested similar to standard formulations.

Can Functional Formularies products be used with enteral pumps and gravity drip bags?

Yes. Since our products are nutrient dense and high in calories and fiber, caregivers may need to deliver formula at room temperature, or they may need to “thin” the formula. If products are stored below room temperature, have patients bring formulas up to room temperature to allow for easier infusion. If there is a need to add water to the formula, use this rule of thumb as a starting point: add 10ml of water for every 60ml formula. Again, if adding water to the formula, you must re-blend before administering.

How long are hang times and storage?

An independent third party microbial assessment shows that there is no microbial growth on a 12 hour hang time at ambient room temperatures. A 2 year shelf life indicates that there is no microbial spoilage and no significant loss in nutritional value in unopened pouches stored at ambient room temperatures.