Who can benefit from our peptide formulas?

Our peptide formulas contain organic hydrolyzed pea protein and organic MCT oil. The protein and fat in our original formulas can be thought of as long pearl necklaces that need to be broken down by the body into individual pearls in order to be absorbed and utilized easily. Our peptide formulas contain short chains of pearls rather than longer chains so that the body does not have to work as hard to absorb and utilize the nutrients.

These formulas are most appropriate for those that may have issues that result in malabsorption problems or difficulty utilizing a standard formula. It is a specialized formula and is usually approved only for certain conditions if insurance coverage is needed. It is best to check with your healthcare provider to determine if you have a condition that would benefit from a peptide based formula.

Does Liquid Hope and Nourish offer complete protein and all essential amino acids?

Functional Formularies formulas contain complete protein as defined by their protein sources offering all essential amino acids required by human metabolism.  Each formula contains a variety of whole food, plant-based ingredients that offer all of the 10 complementary amino acids in adequate quantities.

Although no one ingredient provides a complete protein, the combination of two or more plant foods has long been recognized by all government nutrition and medical organizations, as well as the World Health Organization, as an effective means of supplying all age groups with ample quality protein.

Are your formulas vegan?

Our formulas utilize Vitamin D3 in the form of cholecalciferol. D3 naturally synthesizes in your skin during exposure to sunlight and it’s also a commercially prepared supplement made from the lanolin retrieved from washing sheeps’ wool; therefore, it may not be considered vegan for some individuals based on their practices. Other than the D3, our formulas are vegan.

Are there any common food allergens in Liquid Hope and Nourish?

Liquid Hope and Liquid Hope Peptide utilize the anti-inflammatory effect and protein of almond butter. Patients with tree nut allergies should take caution.

Liquid Hope and Liquid Hope Peptide is free of:
• gluten
• soy
• casein/dairy
• corn

Nourish and Nourish Peptide do NOT have any common allergens.

Nourish and Nourish Peptide are free of:
• gluten
• soy
• casein/dairy
• tree nuts
• corn

Functional Formularies formulations do not use any genetically altered ingredients or preservatives. Our formulas have been independently tested for glyphosate and have no detectable glyphosates present. Our products are packaged in a BPA-free pouch and are certified organic by the USDA.

How best to transition patients on whole food blended formulas?

Switching from a non-whole food blend to Liquid Hope and Nourish should be done step wise. Start with replacing half to one pouch of Liquid Hope or Nourish with half or one can/carton of non-whole food blend formula daily. Use clinical judgement to titrate. For recommendations, please check with your medical team.