Every person and every story matters to us because everything we do is meant to help people living with feeding tubes thrive. What does thriving look like? Read for yourself. Be inspired. Share the hope.


Every person and every story matters to us because everything we do is meant to help people living with feeding tubes thrive. What does thriving look like? Read for yourself. Be inspired. Share the hope.


Every person and every story matters to us because everything we do is meant to help people living with feeding tubes thrive. What does thriving look like? Read for yourself. Be inspired. Share the hope.

Addie’s Story

"We couldn’t imagine being on another blended nutrition"

We tried every formula on the market to fortify and or use 100%. Even amino acid based. I even took out every possible allergen they recommended for my breastmilk. Addie still lost weight, continued to have emesis, and stayed g-tube dependent despite all efforts. Her oral aversion was out of this world! Everything seemed to make her miserable or not help, at all. We did every test, procedure, specialty, therapy, medicine, thickening and imaging you can think of— even genetics. Jumping through every rabbit hole that could be the slightest possibility for a cause. NOTHING worked or helped. We were exhausted and defeated.  Addie was falling faster and faster behind. We normalized a life full of misery and pain that became automatic. She eats, coughs, laughs, moves too fast, sits up too quickly, hiccups, car rides, or gags, while sleeping, she throws up, repeat— without skipping a beat. No matter the location.  FINALLY We could make the switch to Nourish.  Addie started climbing her growth chart and making leaps and bounds on her developmental skills. While the emesis didn’t stop—as hoped; we weren’t having to fortify, increase feeds, or do continuous feeds which we are so grateful for— we pour it in and go! Talk about FREEDOM!! The more progress we make eating, the less emesis we have! We couldn’t imagine being on another blended nutrition!